Cool virtual team building activities to build rapport!

Working remotely doesn’t have to kill employee engagement! We’ve got the solutions for you. Read on!
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EJ Lim, Marketing
July 24, 2024

More and more companies are incorporating ESG. Now what?

There’s no better time to implement ESG strategies than NOW.
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What employees really need from their managers

Have you ever dived deep to discover what your employees truly need from you, starting from the moment they accepted your job offer? It’s never too late to understand their current needs to retain and attract top talent.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
July 22, 2024

How to help your team focus on “deep work”

Deliberately spare time and focus for “deep work” and you’ll be amazed with the value and outcome you produce…
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EJ Lim, Marketing
July 19, 2024

Create a Strengths-Based Company Culture

When employees understand where their strengths lie in and how they can fit into the vision of the company, it does more than just spike a company’s growth…
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EJ Lim, Marketing
July 17, 2024

Does everyone on your team know each other’s strengths?

It's not about which strengths each team member has but recognising how to tap into and synergise various strengths, optimising them for the best performance…
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EJ Lim, Marketing
July 15, 2024

Employee retention rate & productivity increase if you…

Don’t let your top, capable talents walk out the door by…
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EJ Lim, Marketing
July 13, 2024

Outdoor Team Building: The Key to a Resilient & Productive Workforce

When you let your team heal in nature, you grow your venture. Discover further…
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EJ Lim, Marketing
July 10, 2024

How to create a seamless & successful hybrid environment

It is crucial to bridge the gap between on-site and remote work modes to minimise friction and boost productivity, regardless of where individuals are working from. Discover how in this article
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EJ Lim, Marketing
July 8, 2024

Working in silos? Here’s how to break it

We understand how isolating and demotivating it can feel to work in silos. Click to find out how to break free from this debilitating mentality once and for all.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
July 5, 2024

Healthy teams don’t just increase revenue, they also…

Healthy teams benefit companies on multiple fronts. Read to find out more.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
July 3, 2024

Is your team healthy? Here are signs of a healthy team

Click into this article to determine if your team possesses the qualities necessary to be both healthy and high-functioning.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
July 1, 2024

5 signs of a broken culture, according to research

Read this article to recognize the signs of a looming crisis, address them, and steer your company back on course – before it’s too late.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
June 28, 2024

Adapting to Change: A Practical Team’s Guide

Like it or not, change is inevitable. Either you 'roll with the punches,' or get left behind and become obsolete. Discover strategies for thriving in times of change within this article.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
June 26, 2024

Beat Burnout: Top 7 Tips for Managing Work Stress

Learn these 7 tips to master your work stress and subsequently, master your life!
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EJ Lim, Marketing
June 25, 2024

3 Simple Words to Beat the Danger of Perfectionism

This simple 3-word mantra can help you avoid getting bogged down in the unhealthy nitty-gritty of perfectionism and help you work better (and faster).
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EJ Lim, Marketing
June 20, 2024

3 Words to Boost your Leadership Game

Incorporate these 3 simple words into your leadership vocabulary to inspire your team and enhance productivity.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
June 18, 2024

3 big workplace lessons from the movie ‘The Intern’

Do you remember the iconic American comedy-drama “The Intern”? Though it’s unusual for a 70-year-old intern, Ben, to be working for the young CEO of an online fashion enterprise, Jules, there are valuable corporate lessons to be learned from this unique dynamic.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
June 14, 2024

5 Effective Strategies for Resolving Workplace Conflict

Workplace conflicts, if left unaddressed, can translate into revenue loss; if managed well, great innovation and growth will follow. Find out how in this article.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
June 12, 2024

8 Leadership Style for Success

Great leaders come in many forms. Explore these 8 leadership styles to catapult your company to new heights.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
June 10, 2024

3 Team Building Activities that Deepen Connection

Lift up your team’s spirits and build greater team unity with these 3 simple, less-to-even-no-fuss activities!
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Top HR Trends to Watch in 2024

Explore key trends reshaping the workplace—from emerging demands for flexible work arrangements to AI training. Read now to learn how you can attract and retain your most valuable assets—your people.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
May 29, 2024

Cultivate high-performing teams with 5 Cs

Boost your team’s performance with Gallup’s "5 Cs": Common Purpose, Connection, Communication, Collaboration, and Celebration. Secure your company’s future by investing in your people today.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
May 29, 2024

4 Things Gen Z Job Seekers Want that You Should Know

Gen Z is undeniably the up-and-coming, ultra digitally savvy generation that’s gradually taking over the workforce. Needless to say, it has become essential to find out what makes them tick, or what makes them say “yes” to your company’s offer. Check this article out to discover more.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
May 28, 2024

4 Tips for Building a Great Work Culture (Even in Hybrid or Remote Modes)

Unlock the secrets to a thriving workplace culture! Learn 4 essential tips to cultivate an upbeat, supportive, and inclusive environment, whether you’re in physical, remote, or hybrid workplaces. Elevate your company’s growth today!
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EJ Lim, Marketing
May 20, 2024

The Real Reasons Behind Employee Turnovers: Stop Losing Your Best Talent!

Employee turnover has far-reaching implications for organisations. It is a multifaceted issue caused by various underlying roots. Click this article to discover the different reasons for employees’ departure - from the common to the ones they don’t or dare not disclose.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
May 15, 2024

Company culture matters more than ever. Here’s why.

Never overlook the company culture and well-being of employees! They could be more important than you think! After all, employees are the greatest asset a company could ever have; they are the primary force driving a company’s bottom line. Investing in their happiness and development pays dividends in the long run. Here’s why.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
May 7, 2024

Important! Avoid 15% deduction to your HRD Corp Levy Fund!

Beginning 1 July 2024, your company’s HRD Corp Levy Fund may be subject to a 15% deduction if two specific criteria are met. Read on to find out what are the criteria and how you can avoid this deduction to save on subsequent unnecessary costs!
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EJ Lim, Marketing
May 3, 2024

Navigating Success: Strategies for Achieving Organizational Goals

Embark on a journey of organizational excellence! Discover the power of effective goal-setting with visionary leadership, engaging teamwork, and adaptability. Unleash your team's potential and conquer new heights in the ever-evolving business landscape. Success awaits those who dare to dream big and strategize wisely.
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Cassidy, Marketing

Charting the Course: Setting Future Goals for Organizational Success

Navigating the dynamic business landscape requires strategic goal-setting. This involves visionary leadership, SMART goals, employee engagement, continuous learning, and adaptable performance evaluation. These aspects form a roadmap for success, ensuring organizations remain agile, competitive, and resilient in the face of evolving challenges.
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Cassidy, Marketing

Crafting a Comprehensive Annual Report for Your Organization

Embark on a visual journey as we explore the art of crafting annual reports. Dive into a world where data becomes a narrative, and statistics transform into compelling stories. This article is your guide to unlocking the secrets behind creating visually stunning and impactful annual reports.
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Cassidy, Marketing

The Crucial Role of Critical Thinking in Leadership

Leadership is the process of guiding, influencing, and inspiring a group or organization to achieve common goals or objectives. It involves setting a clear vision, making strategic decisions, and motivating and empowering others to work collaboratively towards a shared mission. Critical thinking is the ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information or situations in a thoughtful, logical, and systematic manner. One skill that a leader must have is critical thinking
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Cassidy, Marketing

[2024 Annual Planning] The end of the year is nigh

A well-thought-out annual strategic plan is the cornerstone for any organisation looking to thrive in today's fast-paced business environment. It not only provides a clear direction but also ensures that all departmental objectives align with the broader organisational goals.
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Cassidy, Marketing
November 8, 2023

Mastering Time Management: Five Essential Tips

Maximize your potential by mastering the art of time management. Explore five essential tips designed to supercharge your productivity, minimize stress, and achieve a harmonious equilibrium between work and life
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Cassidy, Marketing

The Crucial Role of Time Management

Discover the art of time mastery and create a brighter future. Harness the power of efficient time management to maximize productivity, balance your life, and achieve your dreams. Time is your canvas; paint your success story with each well-spent moment.
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Cassidy, Marketing

Mastering Workplace Efficiency: The Art of Time Management

Optimizing work productivity through effective time management is critical in today's fast-paced business world. Prioritizing tasks, setting clear objectives, planning efficiently, reducing distractions, and embracing delegation are key strategies that lead to success, making them invaluable skills for workplace success.
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Cassidy, Marketing

Unveiling the Hidden Toll: 5 Impactful Consequences of Stress

We unravel the data-backed insights into the prevalence, causes, and consequences of stress. Discover the hidden toll it takes on our physical health, mental well-being, and relationships. From gender and age disparities to effective stress management techniques, this comprehensive analysis reveals the multifaceted nature of stress and its global significance
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Cassidy, Marketing

Stress Busters: Efficient Methods for Alleviating Long-Term Stress

In today's era, all employees experience various forms of stress. This stress originates not only from family matters but also from the workplace and personal issues. It can be categorized into two types: short-term stress and long-term stress. Long-term stress, also known as chronic stress, is a persistent and ongoing state of psychological and physiological tension and strain. Unlike short-term stress, which is a natural response to immediate challenges or threats, long-term stress lingers over an extended period, often lasting for weeks, months, or even years.
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Cassidy, Marketing
September 22, 2023

Stress Busters: Quick and Effective Ways to Release Short-Term Stress

Short-term stress, often referred to as acute stress, is a natural response to immediate challenges or threats. It can be triggered by situations like deadlines, traffic jams, or unexpected conflicts. While short-term stress is a normal part of life, it becomes problematic when it's chronic or overwhelming.Discover captivating facts, surprising anecdotes, and intriguing tidbits that will leave you awestruck and entertained. Dive into this treasure trove of knowledge and indulge your curiosity.
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Cassidy, Marketing
September 14, 2023

Top 5 Reason Why Employee Feel Stress at Work

In today's fast-paced work landscape, stress has become an unwelcome companion for many employees. Whether you're on the quest for a happier, more balanced work life or an employer determined to foster a thriving workplace, it's time to uncover the root causes of workplace stress. This article explores the leading causes of workplace stress, focusing on the factors that frequently contribute to employee stress levels.
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Cassidy, Marketing
September 8, 2023

Mindfulness at Work: Enhancing Employees' Well-Being and Productivity

In today's fast-paced and high-pressure work environments, promoting employees' well-being and productivity has become a top priority for organizations. This article explores the benefits of mindfulness at work, its impact on employees' well-being and productivity, and strategies for implementing mindfulness practices in the workplace.
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Kelly, Marketing
August 25, 2023

Thriving Together: The Link Between Employee Well-Being and Sustainable Business Growth

Employee well-being is not just a feel-good initiative; it is a catalyst for sustainable business growth. In this article, we explore the vital link between employee well-being and sustainable business growth.
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Kelly, Marketing
August 18, 2023

From Burnout to Brilliance: Nurturing Employees' Well-Being for Peak Performance

Employee burnout is a pressing concern that can significantly impact productivity and organizational success. This article explores the journey from burnout to brilliance by prioritizing employee well-being and shares actionable strategies for cultivating peak performance in the workplace.
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Kelly, Marketing
August 11, 2023

Creating a Culture of Care: Nurturing Employee Well-Being for Company’s Success

The success of any organization depends not just on its products or services, but on the well-being and dedication of its employees. In this article, we delve deep into the concept of creating a culture of care within a company to nurture employee well-being, and ultimately, achieve greater success.
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Kelly, Marketing
August 4, 2023

Building a Winning Team: Strategies for Success

A winning team is more than just a group of individuals working together. It is a synergistic unit that thrives on shared goals, effective communication, and mutual support. By implementing the right strategies, you can create a high-performing team that consistently achieves exceptional results.
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Kelly, Marketing
July 28, 2023

The Power of Collaboration in Team Building

Effective teamwork is essential for organizational success, as it harnesses the power of diverse talents and promotes collaboration. Through synergistic collaboration, teams can achieve greatness by leveraging the strengths of each individual and working together towards common goals.
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Kelly, Marketing
July 21, 2023

Team Building Icebreakers: Breaking Down Barriers

Icebreakers help team members get to know each other on a personal level, build trust, and create a sense of camaraderie. By incorporating these activities into team building sessions or regular meetings, you can establish a foundation for effective collaboration and communication.
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Kelly, Marketing
July 14, 2023

Boosting Employee Morale: Team Building Tips

In today's fast-paced and demanding work environment, maintaining high employee morale is essential for fostering a thriving and successful organization. In this article, we will explore proven strategies that can significantly boost employee morale, creating a positive ripple effect throughout the entire organization.
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Kelly, Marketing
July 7, 2023

The Ultimate Guide for Leaders and Employees: 10 Ways to Help Your Organization Be More Inclusive

Inclusion is not just a buzzword; it is a fundamental aspect of building a successful and thriving organization. When leaders and employees at all levels actively work towards creating an inclusive environment, it fosters diversity, innovation, and higher employee engagement.
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Tea, Marketing
June 21, 2023

Better Focus: Unlocking the Key to Limitless Success

Focus i,s a key factor in achieving success in the workplace. However in a world of distractions, maintaining a high level of concentration can be difficult. Low moods, feeling stressed, working inefficiently, and getting sleepy are all due to concentration problems. Read through this article to learn what it means to be focused and unlock the positive results this can have for your career success.
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Welmo, Marketing
May 31, 2023

Mastering Effective Communication: Steps for Meaningful Connections

Effective communication is essential in our daily lives, yet many people struggle to master it. In this article, we will explore a few key steps to proper and effective communication, uncovering the secrets to successful interactions and improving your relationships.
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Welmo, Marketing
May 28, 2023

Unveiling Human Resources Lessons from The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda is a beloved video game series that not only provides entertainment but also inspiration for our daily lives and work. These lessons include leadership, teamwork, adaptability and continuous learning, providing insights that can be applied to HR practices. Let's explore some of the key HR-related lessons we can learn from this iconic game series.
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Tea, Marketing
May 22, 2023

5 Mistakes that Revealed that you are a "Goblin"

Do you often fret in the office, not knowing what you should do? This is probably because you are in 'Goblin Mode'. This article will help you understand the cause of all this. It will reveal the five common mistakes you make to become a 'Goblin'.
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Welmo, Marketing
May 18, 2023

From Low Spirits to High Morale: 7 Easy Solutions for a Happier Team. No 7 is a must !

In any organization, high team morale is essential for productivity and success. When team members are motivated and engaged, they are more likely to work together effectively and achieve common goals. However, keeping team morale high can be challenging, especially in times of stress or uncertainty
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Tea, Marketing
April 28, 2023

Mediator Louisa Weinstein, The 7 principles that can be applied to resolve any conflict

Conflicts are an inevitable part of life. Whether it's a disagreement with a colleague, a misunderstanding with a friend, or a full-blown argument with a loved one, conflicts can be stressful and difficult to handle...
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March 21, 2023

Breaking the Barriers: 4 Obstacles Holding Your Company Back from Progress

it is essential for companies to continuously progress and grow in order to survive and thrive. However, many companies fail to do so and instead experience stagnation or decline.
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Tea, Marketing
April 17, 2023

6 Easy Steps to stop you from doubting yourself after an interview or presentation

Here are some tips to help you deal with toxic self-talk after an interview or presentation:
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Tea, Marketing
April 14, 2023

Transforming Business through Effective Communication Training: Discover the 3 Key Benefits

Good communication skills are essential for anyone who wants to succeed in their personal or professional life. Communication training can benefit individuals to develop their interpersonal skills to communicate effectively in 3 main aspects!
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April 10, 2023

How to Plan a Meaningful Team-Building Experience in 7 Simple Steps

Planning a hassle-free team building can be a challenging task, but with the right approach and preparation, it can be a successful and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Here are some steps to consider when planning a team building event:
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Tea, Marketing
April 3, 2023

The Power of Themes in Team Building: How Adding a Theme Can Make a Difference

While traditional team building activities such as ice-breaker games and team-building exercises are important, themed team building activities are becoming increasingly popular and are proving to be even more effective.
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Tea, Marketing
March 28, 2023

Escape the Office: 5 Reasons Why Your Team Needs a Retreat to Recharge and Refocus

A yearly retreat is an important event for any company, as it provides a chance for employees to come together and bond, discuss important issues, and plan for the future. There are several reasons why a yearly retreat is essential for the success and growth of a company.
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Tea, Marketing
March 24, 2023

Exploring the Apple Way: A Look into the Company's Workplace Culture

What Are the Key Takeaways from Apple's Workplace Culture? Lessons for Business Leaders and Employees on How to Foster Innovation, Collaboration, and Growth!
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Tea, Marketing
March 20, 2023

The Power of Human Skills: How Soft Skill Can Keep You Ahead of the AI Curve

Unlock the Power of Human Skills: Why Soft Skills Will Be the Most Valuable Asset in the Future of Work"
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Tea, Marketing
March 17, 2023

The Future of Interviews: Will AI Replace Human Interviewers?

Is it a good way to interview candidates by using robots or AI? Will ChatGPT remove the 'human' in human resources ? Will ChatGPT take HR jobs?
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Tea, Marketing
March 13, 2023

5 Major Importance of Team Building: Why it's a Non-Negotiable

Team building is a crucial aspect of any organisation as it helps to improve communication, motivation, and productivity among employees. Team building for employees can encompass retreats, workshops, or simply getting together for a fun day out. Regardless of the format, team building actually provides a range of opportunities for team members to interact, build relationships, and contribute to the success of the organisation.
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Tea, Marketing
February 6, 2023

Leadership lesson from【Avatar 2 : The Way of Water】

Avatar: The Way of Water is the long-awaited sequel to James Cameron's 2009 blockbuster hit, Avatar. The film continues the story of the Na'vi, a technologically advanced alien race that lives on the planet Pandora, and their interactions with humans who are attempting to exploit the planet's resources.
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Tea, Marketing
February 2, 2023

Uncovering the Top 5 Reasons Your Employees are Bored at Work

Boredom in the workplace is a common problem that affects many employees. It can lead to decreased productivity, low morale, and even disengagement from the job. But what causes people to become bored in the workplace?
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Tea, Marketing
January 31, 2023

4 Common Communication Issues that Spell Disaster

Ineffective communication can be disastrous in any relationship. Employees who don't have access to the appropriate channels for constructive workplace communication feel underappreciated, and disengaged, and are less likely to go above and beyond to be an innovator for your business. Moreover, poor communication at work can have a financial cost to your company!
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Tea, Marketing
January 13, 2023

The foundation of the sustainability of a company

Most people are aware of building a strong foundation and practising the fundamentals are the most important step in developing any skill. For instance, consider flying a plane without undergoing any formal training, you would put your life in danger, and your passengers too!
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Tea, Marketing
January 10, 2023

Productivity Killers in Workplace

Generally, there are 4 main factors that make productivity - manpower, resources, processes, time. How are these factors linked to each other?
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EJ Lim, Marketing
February 10, 2020

Why Do We Need Personal Branding?

If you are watching the trends, you would know that a lot of people are starting to put more effort into personal branding.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
February 7, 2020

How often do we engage in a REAL conversation?‍

We can’t live without interacting with others. Yes, even though nowadays we do it mostly through online channels.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
February 4, 2020

Hiring the Right People or Building the People Right?

How do we ensure that the team is fit? Back then, it has always been about hiring the right people.
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EJ Lim, Marketing
February 1, 2020

People are the biggest asset of the company and teamwork is the key to success

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